General Health & Wellness
The primary care providers at Internal Medicine Associates of Texas take your health care seriously.
A patient is established in our practice after an initial visit where we conduct a comprehensive review of his/her detailed medical history, previous surgeries, current medications, and perform an overall assessment of their health. At subsequent visits, we are then better equipped to treat the patient’s acute illnesses as they develop (colds, flu, headaches, sinus infections, etc) or design a treatment plan for existing chronic illnesses such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.
At Internal Medicine Associates of Texas, we like to see our patients annually to update any changes in their health over the previous year. It also gives us an opportunity to address preventative care and recommend screening tests and procedures appropriate for your current age and health conditions.
Preventive screenings can include mammograms, colonoscopies, blood tests, and urinalysis. Biometrics, required now by most employers, are also measured at this Annual Well Visit appointment and include your Body Mass Index (BMI), your fasting blood sugar, and your cholesterol levels. At this visit, we also identify any problems that the patient may be having that will need to be addressed in the upcoming year, which sometimes require referrals to specialists. We commonly refer our patients to a variety of excellent specialists throughout the Dallas-Ft. Worth Metroplex.
While we recommend annual wellness visits to all patients, some patients require visits every 3-4 months or more frequently depending on their health issues and chronic conditions.
High blood pressure/hypertension
High cholesterol/hyperlipidemia
Chest pain
Abdominal pain
Coronary artery disease/heart failure
Bladder infections
Kidney stones
Ear infections
Strep throat
Thyroid diseases
Joint aches
Skin rashes
Weight loss/management of obesity
Our Services
Echocardiograms (sonogram of the heart)
Ear irrigation for wax removal
Influenza vaccinations
Stress echocardiograms (stress tests to evaluate for heart disease)
Sonograms of the carotid arteries in the neck to look for decreased blood supply to the brain (a cause of stroke)
Sonograms of the abdominal aorta to look for aneurysms
Treatment of obesity with diet and medications